Tuesday May 1, 2012 12:30am
Goal: Finish a blog post by 1:00am
Status: Completed at 1:30am
Page view start: 116 ( from 95 to 116 is 21 views).
Personal thoughts and reflections:
I feel like I'm starting to refine myself in a sense that I'm paying attention more to the details. I think that is a good thing. So, I'm implementing a SESA 21 days to form a habit and my own personal 21 days habit development. My personal one is now day 8. On my personal day two, I added a habit to implement an index card per day. That way, I can see the developmental progress.
At first it started off as a checklist of habits I wanted to do. Then I mixed in some to do list items. Some got checked off the list, some remained on the list. Then, as each day went by, I reviewed it. On today's card, I aggregated the pending to do items and habits into the today card.
Now, it is a focused card. Today, I implemented a daily aggregated card. It's really cool, because I soon realize there are things on this list that are reoccurring. So, it is becoming a checklist. When I reviewed the past cards, I did say to myself I should at least give it a 21 days chance before I break it. I really wanted to break one habit today. But I didn't and was glad that I hold on. Whether it is for better or worst. I should give it a full 21 days a try.
Which leads me to the topic of the Innovator's DNA.
Topic: Innovator's DNA
Side note: I'm trying to find the article to link it to via the Harvard Business Review Site. Where I stumbled upon the side blurp below.
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